Monday, September 3, 2007

We Are Marshall...

So we're getting used to not having Ashleigh around all the time. sort of... She seems to be adjusting well to CSU. We've spoken with her a couple of times and traded emails. She has made some friends and says she enjoys her classes. Last time we talked, she said she was planning a trip home the weekend before her birthday.

Calling all marathon fans! Want to make a trip to Huntington, WV, this fall? We usually run the Cape Cod Marathon the last weekend of October, but after seeing the movie "We Are Marshall" last Christmas, we decided to compete in the Marshall University Marathon this November. If it wasn't for my job at FBC, we would go to Falmouth, volunteer at the CCM, then run Marshall the next week. If anyone is interested in coming to WV for the race let us know.

Cindy and I are now in the middle of the training cycle. We started our long runs a couple of weeks ago. This past Saturday we did 18 miles, and have 3 20-mile runs scheduled before the taper down to the race itself. So... here we go again.

I took John driving for the first time today. Our church has a huge parking lot so we went there and I let him drive around for awhile. He did very well. Cindy even rode along and didn't hyperventilate. I'm thinking of starting a Newell car insurance fund. I wonder if there's anyway to set it up so that contributions are tax-deductible...


Jen Whisonant said...

Could you two find a marathon to run at Disney World? I'd go there...=) Shucks, we'd follow you guys anywhere -- you can run and we'll follow in the envoy. Kudos for beginning driving lessons with John and not having chest pain. My mother wouldn't let me even touch the gas pedal our first time out - I could only press and depress the brake for a fun-filled hour of driving in the parking lot. Ahhh, the memories.

Rick & Cindy Shideler said...

Cindy and I will be there with you in WV. I'll be sure to bring the oxygen, stretcher and blankets for you after the run up and down them WV mountains. But we will be there at the finish line cheering you guys on!! I still say why run when you can drive!! Speaking of driving....John is driving!! Man you are getting old. :-) See you in the Appalachians. (Sorry, I was too lazy to look up the spelling).