Friday, January 11, 2008

Mid-January Ramblings

I finally bought a laptop this week. Dude, I got a Dell.... I'm actually posting this blog entry from the dining room table. Oh what fun... I'll likely get a new email address this week so Cindy and I don't get confused.

Speaking of confusion, we've had another wacky weather turn here in Fort Mill this week. Highs have been in the 60's, lows in the 40's, and yes, it's finally made me ill. Running with a cold is no fun at all, but the Mercedes Marathon is in 4 weeks, so on we go.

Speaking of running, this week is a "down" week, longest run is 12 miles. Next week we do our last 20-miler before we start the taper. It's hard to believe the next race is right around the corner. We're really excited about it. Can't wait to see Roddy, Janice, et al. Can't wait for that mountain at mile 23. We had so much fun on it last year. Hopefully this time Roddy won't be having surgery and we'll get him to wait for us at the top.

Speaking of waiting, it seems that patience is not one of the virtues possessed by Ashleigh's beau, Michael. When Cadet Dockery phoned princess yesterday to she if she would come visit, he was informed she was busy with school work and would see him today. Well, about 4 hours later, he shows up outside her dorm. Here's the funny part... at The Citadel, cadets cannot leave campus during the week unless they are exercising... our boy Forrest ran the 20 miles from his dorm to hers!! Unbelievable!!! He's paying for it today, those muscles are just a little tender. He's got it bad for the princess....

Speaking of the princess, Ashleigh started 2nd semester classes this week. She's getting her lab science credit this time around, botany. Auntie Pam, you two should have lots to talk about next time we're in Falmouth.

Speaking of Falmouth, we're thinking of a trip this spring. How does this sound to the folks on Hickory Hill? Getting in the mood, I'm reading Thoreau's Cape Cod, again. We do miss seeing you all, and I'm getting a craving for Coffee O.

Speaking of Coffee O, it's time to grab a hot drink for my throat and get ready for the weekend activities. Hopefully I'll have enough of a voice to lead worship on Sunday morning. If not, one of the gang will take over and I'll just play and smile.

Speaking of smiling, I hope everyone has a wonderful, blessed weekend with family and friends. Love to all...


Rick & Cindy Shideler said...

Your my hero dude. Running 12 miles with a head cold. Its all I can do to get out of bed and drive 12 miles with the sniffles. You rock.

Sounds like our Citadel friend has another kind of fever. Better administer the antidote. Fast!!

Love you guys!!

Jen Whisonant said...

You know, I've heard that Georgia is on the way to Alabama...(this is where I pout and smile, too)...from another princess (though I have ascended to queenie) - Hope you feel better soon - We're gonna miss you guys...wish we could have hung out more this trip!

Jen Whisonant said...

anybody? =) I know where all the Starbucks are in a 20 mile radius from my house...=)